Unregistered 0 | unlimited money?is there a cheat that just gives u money. i mean theres gotta be thers one for all the PC ones.THERES GOTTA BE ONE. ReplySubscribeAbuse |
Money Cheats For Sims 3 Pets Xbox 360
The Sims 3 Pets - Have a Pet. Xbox 360 4.1 Toys & Games. Expansion pack sims 3 pets cats and dogs custom content world adventures new town limited edition. The Sims 3 pets is a stand alone game for Xbox 360 that can use the Kinect sensor (if you have one. I love this game I am a huge gamer and I love this game By mincat girl. Click here for all reviews.
Unregistered 0 | 1 s.Yes there is. |
Unregistered 0 | 0 klPosted: mar 26, 2011 5:26 am |
Unregistered 0 | 0 B-Boy Toydoes any one know if need for speed is linked with the fast and furious saga ???? |
A990 0 | 0 i dont think so but im a girl so y should i XDPosted: mar 29, 2011 3:36 am |
Unregistered 0 | 0 cheatsis there anyway to get extra money without enabling the cheats? i want more money fast, |
Unregistered 0 | 0 Back to cheatsHeres one I know. |
Unregistered 0 | 0 that bull didnt workPosted: jul 01, 2011 3:54 pm |
Unregistered 0 | 0 COOLPosted: jul 06, 2011 9:10 am |
Unregistered 0 | 0 cheatsis there a cheat for unlimeted money on xbox 360 i really want one!!!!!!! |
Unregistered 0 | 0 control anyone you want!First you get them to dislike you all the way then you get a child to like them all the |
Unregistered 0 | 0 it works!I did it with the whole xu family! But u dont have to have someone having to dislike them. |
Unregistered 0 | 0 Awsome cheatActivate cheats then hold lt and press on the mail box and you can get awsome cheats like |
Unregistered 0 | 0 helpppI have xbox 360 and nothing is working for me :( i tried holdin the four shoulder buttons |
Unregistered 0 | 0 You hold lt or l2 and you click the mailbx and you can make friends easily or yo...You hold lt or l2 and you click the mailbx and you can make friends easily or you can pick |
Unregistered 0 | 0 i like the pc one betterI like the pc one better because there are cheat codes. |
Unregistered 0 | 0 After you activate the cheat thing out of build/buy mode, is there any way to de...After you activate the cheat thing out of build/buy mode, is there any way to deactivate |
Unregistered 0 | 0 Money =PHow do u do the money cheat!!! :p because iv tried so many times need help plz replay |
Unregistered 0 | 0 if u havre an xbox this is wat u doU press star and wen the menu pops up u press lt lb and rt and rb all together and it will |
Unregistered 0 | 0 CheatsPress start that hold lb,rb,lt and rt |
Unregistered 0 | 0 cheatsTry for a baby and kill it with karma points get up to 100,000 |
Unregistered 0 | 0 3 days of darknessTheres gonna be demons and devil satan get prepared for demons don't let anybody in and |
Unregistered 0 | 0 halpIs there a simple money chert for the game as i'm getting it |
Unregistered 0 | 0 really?The 3 days of darkness guys talks about the world being attacked and the halp guy doesnt |
Unregistered 0 | 0 Help me idk how to get unlimited money on xbox 360Help me idk how to get unlimited money on xbox 360 |
Unregistered 0 | 0 You cannotYou cannot but u can use cheats by pressing start then holding down lb lt rb and rt press |
Unregistered 0 | 0 Wha?How long do you have to hold down all the back buttons to get te cheats? Because i held |
Unregistered 0 | 0 RequirementsI think you need sims three: pets, |
Unregistered 0 | 0 Thanks!The money cheat helped so much i always wanted to know how to do it and now i made my self |
Unregistered 0 | 0 I haven't tested it but fingers crossed that the cheat will work!!! :dI haven't tested it but fingers crossed that the cheat will work!!! :d |
Unregistered 0 | 0 Money cheatPress start and all the back buttons and it well ask u are u ok with the cheats click yes |
Unregistered 0 | 0 It does not work?I've tried all the cheats because i'm so desperate but they never work what am i doing |
Unregistered 0 | 0 lt teleportApparently if you hold lt and you click somewhere on the game your sim goes there quickly |
Unregistered 0 | 0 okYou go to start and then you push lt lb rt and rb all at the same time. That should |
Unregistered 0 | 0 sim addict!!!It worx! Keep trying lt rt lb rob simultaneously till you get it 4 real. Love it thanx |
Unregistered 0 | 0 So does the lt lb rt rb money cheat work for the xbox 360. I am about to buy the...So does the lt lb rt rb money cheat work for the xbox 360. I am about to buy the game |
Unregistered 0 | 0 EayOnce you have created your sims or joind your game press's start then lt lb rt rb then |
Unregistered 0 | 0 I might get the gameThanks for all the great answers if i get the game i am going try this cheat out i hope it |
Unregistered 0 | 0 sims 3 cheatsYes there is. |
Unregistered 0 | 0 DwightElutsð·ð°ðºð°ð·ð°ñ‚ñŒ ð¿ñ€ð¾ð´ð²ð¸ð¶ðµð½ð¸ðµ ñð°ð¹ñ‚ð° ñ‚ð¾ñ€ñ€ðµð½ñ‚ ð»ð¾ð³ð¸ð½ ð² |

Sims 3 Pets Xbox 360 Download
Unregistered 0 | Vampire on the 360?I'll be getting The Sims 3 soon on the xbox 360 and would just like to know if it's possible to turn into z vampire on the 360 like I've found out you can on the pc. ReplySubscribeAbuse |
Unregistered 0 | 0 no it aintPosted: dec 29, 2010 10:06 pm |
Unregistered 0 | 0 vampireif u could that would be like so totally awsome :D |
Unregistered 0 | 0 i have an other cheat its how you earn spoot the magic lammai have an other cheat its how you earn spoot the magic lamma |
Unregistered 0 | -1 here it ishere is how you can get spoot press start then click LT RT LB AND RB HAVE A FUN TIME WITH |
Unregistered 0 | 0 ååååå...Posted: jan 30, 2011 1:13 pm |
Unregistered 0 | 0 what????Posted: may 04, 2011 2:51 am |
Unregistered 0 | 0 o u can turn in 2 a vampria on the x-box 360you can turn in 2 a vampria on x-box 360 i have the game and you can |
Unregistered 0 | 0 sorry but iv had the game since christmas and i cant find any vampires on the ga...sorry but iv had the game since christmas and i cant find any vampires on the game but |
Unregistered 0 | 0 where do you find the vampires then on xbox 360Posted: may 21, 2011 4:13 am |
Unregistered 0 | 0 come on give more detailGive me more detail please for the xbox one for the vampire not the money I know how to do |
Unregistered 0 | 0 I need to know!!!!I NEED 2 NO HOW U CAN BECOME A VAMPIRE ON THE SIMS 3! NOT ON THE *** SIMS 3:LATE NIGHT! |
Unregistered 0 | 0 sorry but you can'tPosted: jul 17, 2011 6:00 pm |
Unregistered 0 | 0 need to nowPosted: aug 02, 2011 2:30 pm |
Unregistered 0 | 0 the trait is hearPosted: aug 13, 2011 11:35 pm |
Unregistered 0 | 0 help!!!can you be a vampire on sims 3 xbox 360 ??? |
madusahair 0 | 0 Y did u post a spoot cheat on a VAMPIRE discussion?!?!Y did u post a spot cheat on a VAMPIRE thing? Also I don't no if u can make an ACTUAL |
madusahair 0 | 0 More cheatsTo answer ur question if there are any more cheats the only other one I no is if u enable |
Unregistered 0 | 0 i neeed to knowHey i need to know now if i can be a vampire(on sims) now now NOWi tryd to figer out but |
Unregistered 0 | 0 i know what u meanI have the sims 3 pets and i dont think u can become a vampire on that eathier i am |
Unregistered 0 | 0 i know what u meanI have the sims 3 pets and i dont think u can become a vampire on that eathier i am |
Unregistered 0 | 0 I'll Settle it for youOn the pc versian late night: yes, but on x-box 360 & ps3 : no |
Unregistered 0 | 0 u can be a were wolfOn sims 3 pets u can be a were wolf i know this cuz someone told me |
Unregistered 0 | 0 Actually u sorta canAll u have to do is make your ota vampire person hate outdoors nd the skin color nd stuff |
Unregistered 0 | 0 none o diz helpedUh i own the sims 3 4 xbox and i dont know how to turn into a vamp! If anybody knows how |
Unregistered 0 | 0 no fairI have been looking everywhere!! For the sims 3 late night on the xbox 360,so i could make |
Unregistered 0 | 0 It dont matterIt dont matter if you can look like a vamp!! You need to be able to *** peoples blood!!! |
Unregistered 0 | 0 SortaYou can but you need too buy the late nate extention pack i found it for like £10 sumwere |
Unregistered 0 | 0 YOU CAN BE A VAMPIREGot to the graveyard at 9:00 or after that. Meet the ghost and be friends with them. This |
Unregistered 0 | 0 ???What grave yard? Ive been to every grave and i havent been turned |
Unregistered 0 | 0 They might have vampiresIdk if they have vampires in sims 3 for xbox but i hope they do bc i really want to be one |
Unregistered 0 | 0 really??Do you mean for xbox 360 or cp |
Unregistered 0 | 0 Vampires.To start things off, every single one of you who answered has awful grammar. Please go and |
Unregistered 0 | 0 VAMPIREHow do you become a ***ing vampire?!.. Just wondering? |
Unregistered 0 | 0 ....Well i dont know.. But you can be a vampire on the sim late night.. |
Unregistered 0 | 0 or else buy....Or else buy the sims 3 supernatural you can be a vampire on it!! |
Unregistered 0 | 0 I went to gillman hill graveyard and the other graveyard after 9:oo and saw no g...I went to gillman hill graveyard and the other graveyard after 9:oo and saw no ghost named |
Unregistered 0 | 0 The TruthOk guys. Listen up. They have no vampires on it. The reason why is because,they made the |
Unregistered 0 | 0 Ghost will pop up after you have a ghost zapper you've got to buy the creation b...Ghost will pop up after you have a ghost zapper you've got to buy the creation bench ghost |
Unregistered 0 | 0 VAMPIRESHello everyone i just got s3 pets on ps3 and cant find vampires and am desperate can you |
Unregistered 0 | 0 SUPERSorry, but will wright created all the sim games, so ea did not make it, so basically, all |
Unregistered 0 | 0 srry!I have tried many many times to find a vampire sim and could not im sorry but i think it |
Unregistered 0 | 0 You cantI've had it for eva |