With pure Java code and HTML markup Wicket is the go-to web framework for purists. 6.30.0 binary download; Read more. Apache Wicket 7.11.0 released. The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 7.11.0! Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework that powers thousands of web applications. Wicket Role based authorization and authentication - by extending - AuthenticatedWebApplication & AuthenticatedWebSession and using @AuthorizeInstantiation.
Is there any source code available over internet for the Wicket Contrib Examples - cdapp? Thank you.
Tapas Bose
2 Answers
You said you checked out 'the svn' in your comment to Don's answer; which SVN? Was it this one?
Sorry, that was a bad link. Try this one: http://wicket-stuff.svn.sf.net/viewvc/wicket-stuff/trunk/wicket-contrib-examples/src/?pathrev=2050
I checked a few of the files in that tree and they look right. If that is indeed what you want, it's available for download as a tarball.
PopsPopsYou can get source at wicket-contrib, which I think will contain the code for this example.
Don RobyJava Coding Examples Source Code
Don Roby