Connecting the Arduino UNO to Matlab via the USB port for serial communication NEW! Check out our new project:! Software Used In the video, MATLAB R2012a was used, available at It may be necessary to set permissions on the serial port the Arduino is mounted. Enter into terminal. The SoftwareSerial library has been developed to allow serial communication on other digital pins of the Arduino, using software to replicate the functionality (hence the name 'SoftwareSerial '). It is possible to have multiple software serial ports with speeds up to 115200 bps. How to communicate with an Arduino over its serial interface in C++ on Linux? Try the Syntax and Programs forum and the Software Development forum on the Arduino site. There have been discussions about interfacing to many different languages and computers in the past. Browse other questions tagged c++ linux serial-port arduino rfid. The Linux build of the Arduino Software (IDE) is now a package that doesn't require any specific procedure for the various distributions availabe of Linux. If you get this error, you need to set serial port permission. Open Terminal and type: ls -l /dev/ttyACM* you will get something like. This is the procedure to access the serial port. Chris Heydrick: Serial Hobbyist. The terminal command stty can show you what a port is set to, so I assume tcgetattr() does something similar and plugs it into the toptions structure. But when open is called a signal is sent via the serial port that the Arduino interprets as “reboot now”. There is a way around it on the Arduino end.
I am new to Ubuntu (And I love it). I want to burn a code to my Arduino Uno. When uploading the code, there's an error message saying, Serial Port COM1 not fount found. Did you select the correct one from tools -> serial port menu?
. Now, visiting the tools, I can't select serial port because it is disabled. I am attaching a screen-shot of how it looks. I have done something similar in windows. How to find the serial port on Ubuntu?
6 Answers
COM1 is a Windows(TM) designation - it will look like /dev/ttyACM0, /dev/ttyUSB0 or similar in Linux.
Greyed out port tends to mean you haven't set the board type first - go through the settings in arduino
Tools menu & set board to 'Uno', you should see the 'port' enable & auto-fill as well, most likely.
For serial stuff I would actually recommend using something like minicom it's easy to use and you actually see the /dev/tty to which it is bound. It's usually something like /dev/ttyS0
Edit: So it's not only a link answer dmesg | grep tty
that's how you see which port your TTY is - see the link above for reference.
Your user account probably doesn't have permission to use the serial port.
Two ways to address this:
- Easiest, but not advised: Run the Arduino IDE as root (eg launch from the command line using
). - The second, more advisable way to do it is to add your user to the
group, which has permission to use the serial port. Use the commandsudo adduser $USER dialout
. You will need to log out then log back in for it to take effect though (or try this). To list groups of current user usegroups
orid -Gn
Once this is done, when you select the correct serial port (as others have mentioned maybe /dev/ttyUSB0
) you should be able to write, allowing you to program the Arduino.
As fas I see you are using the version 1.0.5
of arduino IDE, I assume that you installed the one in the apt repositories.
You can either try to install one from the snapcraft or the one from arduinos website.
Personally I used the latter one and anything worked like a charm.
Serial Port 25 Pin
Also either the case you can try to loon on Tools
if exists a port that is not a /dev/ttyS0
one. Try to play with these options. Finally by searching on dmesg
you can find out which port has been located for arduno as well.
Finally an another approach is to unplug your arduino plug it again and type the following command:
In order to record the last event as the one that happens when arduino is plugged in to a usb port. The command above will show you the correct port.
For better results you can use the following:
And continioulsy plug and unplug the arduino from the usp port till you see any arduino related message. The -f
parameter allows to show realtime the new logs.
I had this same problem and struggled to fix it for a while. I tried the usual suggestions about adding myself to the dialout group and was frustrated that none of those tips helped. In the end, I realized I was using a backrev version of the Arduino IDE software, and once I upgraded, the problem went away.
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If you want just a easy way to get Arduino act like e.g. controller, keyboard or mouse, go to
If you can't/don't want to use USB, keep reading.
Short version
Convert (game)controller signals with Arduino or ESP8266 to Serial TTL -signal and use it in Linux like any other joystick (/dev/input/jsX).
Longer version
There can be situations, when you cannot do or use USB-HID-joystick adapter and you still need way to use Linux with some kind of (game)controller.
Orange Pi has 4 hardware serial ports (UART), which are rarely used, so one reason is simply to save USB-port(s).
This page is for information how to connect some controllers to serial port. You will get /dev/input/jsX-device (joysticks and gamepads), /dev/eventX-device (keyboard) or /dev/mouseX-device (mouse).
Look ma! I'm driving without USB! (about $3 Wemos ESP8266 and Wii Classic Controller with Orange Pi PC UART1)
Arduino IDE
Stinger_WiiClassicController.ino emulates Gravis Stinger controller. It reads 6 data bytes from Wii Classic Controller with I²C. Then it converts them to Gravis Stinger 4 data bytes and sends them through serial port (physical or USB). Linux are set up like there would be real Stinger connected to physical serial port. (analog sticks of Wii Classic Controller are disabled)
RetrOrangePi 2.5.2
This needs serport.ko and stinger.ko -modules. Serport is compiled to kernel (CONFIG_SERIO_SERPORT=y). From this github-page you can download stinger-module for RetrOrangePi 2.5.2. Put it /lib/modules/3.4.112-sun8i/kernel/drivers/input/joystick/stinger.ko
and do sudo depmod -a
. inputattach-command loads it automatically, so you don't have to start it by hand.
Vga Port
(I have not yet tested module with clean install of ROPi)
Install inputattach:
sudo apt install inputattach
Joystick-device is created with command:
sudo inputattach --baud 9600 --always --stinger /dev/ttyS1
You can test it with (device number depends your another controllers):
jstest /dev/js0
Start automatically at boot /etc/rc.local
inputattach --baud 9600 --always --stinger --daemon /dev/ttyS1
Wii Classic Controller (I²C):
ESP8266: SDA = D2 (GPIO4), SCL = D1 (GPIO5)
ESP8266, Wii Classic Controller and Orange Pi GPIO's are 3.3V, so there is no need for voltage level shifting.
ESP8266 with Arduino IDE
Instructions to add ESP8266-support to Arduino IDE:
Short version:
File -> Preferences -> Additional Boards Manager URLs:
Tools -> Board -> Boards manager... -> esp8266 -> Install

Wii Classic Controller (I²C) (3.3V!):
Uno: SDA = A4, SCL = A5
Pro Micro: SDA = D2, SCL = D3
Notice, if you use 5V Arduino
Remember, Orange Pi GPIO's are 3.3V. So if you gonna connect Arduino's TX to OPi, use 3.3V Arduino or do voltage level shifting. Wii Classic Controller is also 3.3V.
Notice, if you use Arduino USB serial port
Many Arduinos resets when serial communication starts. When Linux driver asks for initialization, Arduino doesn't answer fast enough, because it is resetting itself.
Solution 1 - ignore linux kernel driver initializing result with --always parameter
sudo inputattach --baud 9600 --always --stinger /dev/ttyACM0 &
Solution 2 - keep serial connection open
One software solution is to use socat. It creates new serialport device, keeps original port open and makes link between virtual and real port.
sudo socat open:/dev/ttyACM0 PTY,link=/dev/ttyV0
sudo inputattach --baud 9600 --stinger /dev/ttyV0 &
Command must be given every time after Arduino is connected.
More solutions
Orange Pi
Orange Pi has 4 hardware serialports.
UART0 'Debug TTL UART' (may be in debug/terminal use):
Orange Pi, activate 3 serial ports in GPIO pins:
For testing purposes you can start inputattach with dump-device:
inputattach --baud 9600 --dump /dev/ttyUSB0
It prints out hexadecimal numbers and ascii characters from serial device to console.
--daemon : Forks into the background.
--always : Ignore initialization failures when attaching the device.
--noinit : Skip device initialization.
--baud : Specify the baud rate to use. (This is only necessary if the default rate is incorrect.)
Arduino Software Serial Library
inputattach source:
Orange Pi
Linux serial tricks
Get some programs:
Buy Serial Port
sudo apt get install socat inputattach minicom
(minicom exit: ctrl-a, x, enter)
Create two virtual serial ports linked together and test them with two terminal
Check what some serial device sends (e.g. for initialization)
Serial Port Adalah
Redirect existing serial port to new virtual serial port
Send PS2 keyboard codes to computer through terminal
(careful! if you send example only an 'A' (0x1C), it repeats forewer until you send breakcode (0xF01C) or kill inputattach)
- ESP8266 with 1200baud makes lot of garbage to ESP8266 TX-pin - Try to avoid
- inputattach baud-parameter takes only speeds 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 (you can compile it yourself to support more speeds)
- because of previous limitation, inputattach doesn't support dump-device with 1200baud
- baud-parameter in inputattach must be given before device
- I get inputattach to work only first time after boot with Orange Pi PC built-in UART and RetrOrangePi 2.5.2. Second time it doesn't detect any buttons (maybe some kind of interrupt problem?)