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The guy's German is pretty bad, but I tried translating it:
'I'm not sure if all of these steps are necessary, but it works for me.
NEXT-Soft Hex-Editor MX
Cheat Engine 6.1
Trackmania 2 Canyon Offline Profile (Copy it somewhere else for editing)
1. Open ultra.profil.Gbx with the hex editor.
2. There are 2 entries with of the name. In this case at the first profile, which comes with the installation; 'trackmaniaca'. Edit the first entry somewhat (I only changed one character) and save the file. Copy it into the profile folder (TrackManiaInstall1Config)
3. Start TM2 and log in, then alt+tab to Windows.
4. Open the hex editor and edit the second entry just like the first one. Save and copy into the profile folder again.
5. Start Cheat Engine, select the Trackmania process and return to the game. Click on Profile (bottom left) and return to the main menu.
6. Alt+tab again.
7. In Cheat Engine, select Value Type Text and enter the name of the profile: 'trackmaniaca' and tick unicode. Now click on Search.
8. Take down all the entries and change them to the name you entered in the hex editor.
9. Untick unicode and search again.
10. Take all the entries again, edit them and return to the game.
11. Exit the game. The entered name should now appear once you restart the game and you can log in.
If you get an error message about the key when logging in, you did something wrong.'
Bare in mind, I haven't tried any of this so I don't really know what he's talking about. Hope it helps though.
The guy's German is pretty bad, but I tried translating it:
'I'm not sure if all of these steps are necessary, but it works for me.
NEXT-Soft Hex-Editor MX
Cheat Engine 6.1
Trackmania 2 Canyon Offline Profile (Copy it somewhere else for editing)
1. Open ultra.profil.Gbx with the hex editor.
2. There are 2 entries with of the name. In this case at the first profile, which comes with the installation; 'trackmaniaca'. Edit the first entry somewhat (I only changed one character) and save the file. Copy it into the profile folder (TrackManiaInstall1Config)
3. Start TM2 and log in, then alt+tab to Windows.
4. Open the hex editor and edit the second entry just like the first one. Save and copy into the profile folder again.
5. Start Cheat Engine, select the Trackmania process and return to the game. Click on Profile (bottom left) and return to the main menu.
6. Alt+tab again.
7. In Cheat Engine, select Value Type Text and enter the name of the profile: 'trackmaniaca' and tick unicode. Now click on Search.
8. Take down all the entries and change them to the name you entered in the hex editor.
9. Untick unicode and search again.
10. Take all the entries again, edit them and return to the game.
11. Exit the game. The entered name should now appear once you restart the game and you can log in.
If you get an error message about the key when logging in, you did something wrong.'
Bare in mind, I haven't tried any of this so I don't really know what he's talking about. Hope it helps though.
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