How do I add (gecko) cheat codes to the Cheat Manager in Dolphin 5.0? Adr990, Jun 17, 2018, in forum: Wii - Emulation and Homebrew Replies. How to create a 3D Terrain with Google Maps and height maps in Photoshop - 3D Map Generator Terrain - Duration: 20:32. Orange Box Ceo 1,165,010 views. Run cheat manager, browse text code file and select it. Press Exit Cheat Manager. Start game with Gecko OS. Screen Shots. Start Start Select Text Code File View Code Item View Code Edit Code Active Code Item Generate GCT File Code Item Prefix.
I am trying to intall webdriver and in order to open firefox i need the geckodriver to be installed and in the correct path.
Firstly the download link to install geckodriver only allows you to install a file that is not an executable. So is there a way to make it an executable?
secondly I have tried to change my path variables in commmand prompt, but of course it didn't work. I then changed the user variable not the system path variables because there is not Path in system. there is a Path in user variables so I edited that to change where the file is located.
I have extracted the geckodriver rar file and have received a file with no extension. I don't know how you can have a file with no extension, but they did it. The icon is like a blank sheet of paper with a fold at the top left.

If anyone has a solution for this including maybe another package that is like webdriver and will allow me to open a browser and then refresh the page after a given amount of time. this is all I want to do.

4 Answers
For one make sure you are downloading the one for your OS. Windows is at the bottom of the list it will say win32. Download that file or 64 doesn't matter.
After that you are going to want to extract the file. If you get an error that says there is no file in the Winrar file, this may be because in your Winrar settings you have Winrar set to not extract any files that have the extension .exe. If you go to Winrar options then settings then security you can delete this it will say *.exe, and after you delete that you can extract the file. After that is done, search how to update the path so that gecko driver can be accessed. Then you will most likely need to restart.
halferYou can put it anywhere.1. put it into your project folder.2. create a folder and put driver into it. Set the driver path up in your code.
First download GeckoDriver for Windows, extract it and copy the path to the folder.
- Right-click on My Computer or This PC.
- Select Properties.
- Select advanced system settings.
- Click on the Environment Variables button.
- From System Variables select PATH.
- Click on Edit button.
- Click New button.
- Paste the path of GeckoDriver file.
I've wrestled with the same question for last hour, and finally have a solution, which will hopefully help someone out there (Windows 10, Python 2.7, Anaconda distribution).
1) This was the issue in my case: make sure you have the latest version of Firefox installed. I had firefox 36, which, when checking for updates, said it was the latest version. Mozilla's website had version 54 as latest. So download firefox from website, and reinstall

2) Make sure you have the latest gecko driver downloaded
3) If you're getting the path error - use the code below to figure out which path python is looking at, and pop the geckodriver.exe in there: