If you ask for help and are helped by another user. If you ask for help and are helped by another user. Say 'thank you' and let them know if your problems/issue/question was solved or answered. Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion: Topics and discussions on modding the popular Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion game produced by Bethesda Softworks. Need Help with Crashing.
- How I install the ENB and Oblivion Reloaded when doing the Bevi's guide. *** UPDATE VIDEO!*** I accidently cut out the OblivionReloaded.
- For most people the answer is definitely yes to the first, possibly yes to the second. The third set of features are a matter of taste. Let’s take a look at the actual Oblivion Reloaded files. Go to the Oblivion Reloaded website, register an account, and download either version 6.2 or 6.3.
- How to Install OBSE for Oblivion by loader » Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:14 am OBSE (Oblivion Script Extender) is an essential plugin for a large number of the mods for the Elder Scrolls Oblivion game.
This mod is giving me huge amounts of trouble and for the life of me I cannot figure out what it is I am doing wrong. At best I can get it running, In a window roughly an eighth as big as my screen, with the fov messed up and none of the graphical overhauls taking hold.

I will list what I think I don't understand(and is therefore probably giving me issue) and hopefully someone will be kind enough to enough to elaborate on them
*MenQue plugin: I installed this, not one hundred percent sure as to what it does however as the description is very sparse.
*Specular lights enabled: No idea how to enable that
*Water reflections enabled, high water details: Same as above
*Recommended settings for the Oblivion INI: This is what I suspect is giving me the most grief, There is no such settings to modify in the Oblivion.ini . Does this mean that I installed the mod wrong? Am I just being foolish and using the search wrong? Or do I have to make the settings as well as the values? And if so, where?
How To Install Oblivion Reloaded Help You
For reference the ini settings are