Again, I read byte by byte but this time backwards from the last byte of the file to the byte at offset 0. While decrement the file offset by 2 in the loop? Simple, read advances the file offset by 1, so the script has to compensate for the last read and also decrement the offset by 1 so that next read reads the previous byte in the file. File does not have write permission File does not have execute permission This is sepcial file This is not a directory File size is not zero File does not exist The following points need to be considered while using file test operators − There must be spaces between the operators and the expressions. 'touch /tmp/test' is very much like creating an empty glass, without any water in it. The glass is empty, so it's size is zero. But the glass does exist. In file system parlance, the glass is the meta-data, whereas the contents of the glass is the data. I have a file called diff.txt. Want to check if it is empty. Did something like this but couldn't get it working. How to check if a file is empty in Bash? Ask Question 127. True if FILE exists and has a size greater than zero. Thus, you get 'empty.txt' if 'diff.txt' is not empty. – Matthias Apr 1 '12 at 13:48. How do I check if a file is empty in a sh script I want to test in my shell script if the output file is empty and if it is do one thing and if it isn. The -s option to the test builtin check to see if FILE exists and has a size greater than zero. It returns true and false values to indicate that file is empty or has some data. It returns true and false values to indicate that file is empty or has some data.
1 extension(s) and 0 alias(es) in our database
Below, you can find answers to the following questions:
- What is the .ksh file?
- Which program can create the .ksh file?
- Where can you find a description of the .ksh format?
- What can convert .ksh files to a different format?
- Which MIME-type is associated with the .ksh extension?
KSH Shell Script
Other types of files may also use the .ksh file extension. If you have helpful information about .ksh extension, write to us!
Is it possible that the filename extension is misspelled?
We found the following similar extensions in our database:

Ksh Test Zero Byte File
The .ksh filename extension is often given incorrectly!
According to the searches on our site, these misspellings were the most common in the past year: Panning The positioning of an audio signal between the left and right channels in a stereo soundfield. Mp3 MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3, or mp3, is a popular sound compression format.
Can't open a .ksh file?
If you want to open a .ksh file on your computer, you just need to have the appropriate program installed. If the .ksh association isn't set correctly, you may receive the following error message:
Windows can't open this file:
File: example.ksh
To open this file, Windows needs to know what program you want to use to open it. Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manually select from a list of programs that are installed on your computer.
To change file associations:
Remove Zero Byte Files
- Right-click a file with the extension whose association you want to change, and then click Open With.
- In the Open With dialog box, click the program whith which you want the file to open, or click Browse to locate the program that you want.
- Select the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file check box.
Supported operating systems
Windows Server 2003/2008/2012/2016, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Mac OS X, iOS, Android
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I have a script which contains the file location and i am running a command to fix the files.But i am not able to write the output to a file.
The output generated after adding set -x in the beginning of the script.
+ < filename.txt+ read line+ shnfix /x01/naveen_wav/file1.wav+ >> output.txtFixing [/x01/naveen_wav/file1.wav] (3:49.42) --> [file1-fixed.wav] : 100% OKPadded last file with 1194 zero-bytes.+ read line+ shnfix /x01/naveen_wav/file2.wav+ >> output.txtFixing [/x01/naveen_wav/file2.wav] (4:30.35) --> [file2-fixed.wav] : 100% OKPadded last file with 644 zero-bytes.+ read line
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codeforester3 Answers
A more efficient version (I/O wise) of @gile's code:

The output should be inside `
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So the script could be like this:
gilegileKsh File Test
Ksh Test Zero Byte File Download
Just remove the backticks, they are at least confusing.
Written as it is the shell will exeute the command in a subshell and try to execute the result, adding the redirection to it.
I assume you don't want to execute the output, but you want to redirect the output.
If the output starts with, for example line
, that is a correct unix command, which does not create output you don't see an error, but neither the output.
I get a test.ksh[4]: line1: not found [No such file or directory]
where 'line1' is the first line in my test file.
Or keep it in a block and redirect all output from it. Makes the intention more clear and it is easier to add commnds. (a big troubleshooter) will give similar hints